Water Damage Mitigation

Among the many factors in mitigating and restoring water damages, having a trained professional onsite to coordinate and monitor restoration efforts can cut unnecessary costs. Expert clerking services help by determining an accurate scope of the damages, cost analysis between drying and remediation, required dry down equipment, necessary repairs, and ensuring the effectiveness of all procedures.

Damage Scope

To limit secondary damages and ensure appropriate actions are taken, the extent of water losses need to be identified accurately and quickly. Thorough inspections, thermal mapping, and partnering with restoration teams can help develop a scope and estimate that covers only necessary but needed repairs.

Dry Down versus Remediation

Determining a method of response suited for the damage scope can drastically change the effectiveness and cost of restoration. Running cost analysis for not short term restoration but long term sustainability based on the integrity of affected materials will provide the most profitable solution.

Project Monitoring/Mitigation Clerking

Whether complex or simple, there are a lot of moving cogs that require attention in a practical restoration plan. Project monitoring and clerking services can verify the necessary workforce, equipment distribution, daily drying or repair report effectiveness, invoicing, and more to keep costs and schedules on track.

Construction/Restoration Advisory Services

Consulting services from the right expert can provide insight that results in increased efficiency, reduced costs, and a faster return to pre-loss conditions. The skilled staff at RMC Group are equipped to offer the same advisory services and more for water damages and other large loss scenarios. Contact us today to learn more about how to gain insight on your loss.

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