Looking behind the scenes – and the walls – at more common than often thought loss threat during winter months.

Winter’s Hidden Hazard

As the winter months begin to close in and temperatures drop, the risk of freezing pipes becomes more of a threat than most imagine. Frozen pipes are often not identified until one breaks, causing costly water damages. Water losses are among the most common and most expensive losses to repair, averaging near $10,000 per incident.

Some pipes are more vulnerable to freezing than others, including pipes buried close to the surface, running along exterior walls, in the basement or attic levels, and pipes lacking surrounding insulations. For buildings looking to prevent these potentially costly claims, here are some simple tips you can follow to help:

  • Leave thermostats at 55 degrees or higher during winter months, especially during weekends or prolonged absences from facilities
  • Seal windows, doors, cracks, utility service lines, and all exterior wall openings to maintain heat
  • Insulate attic penetrations and fixtures that allow heat to escape into and through attic spaces
  • Insulate and line vulnerable pipes, such as basement, attic, and exterior pipes
  • Let faucets drip to keep a consistent water flow and to prevent buildups
  • Install detection and prevention systems that monitor temperature drops, pressurization, and moisture increases

Preventing Disaster in a Pandemic Era

Businesses have more to worry about now than ever when considering essential safety and risk management concerns, with the added need for clean and COVID accomodating workplaces. On the other hand, some facilities are mostly vacant all together as employees work from home. 

Scheduling routine facility integrity checks for employees, property managers, or outside technicians can reduce stress on businesses still running a full-throttle workforce. For dormant or limited operations facilities, having what few essential employees present make scheduled checks or investing in temperature monitoring devices can alert absent staff of any fluctuations. While an added brick onto an already heavy load, preventive measures mean more in the long run to reduce the chance of a larger, more stressful loss.

Expert Mitigation and Restoration Management

RMC Group has responded to losses occurring from frozen and burst pipes in all structures, finding the most cost-effective solutions to restore water damages. Our consultants identify necessary components in writing estimates, offer mitigation clerking services, and ensure proper repairs are made safely and non-intrusively. We work to keep business running even while performing recovery services

We‘re ready to help, anywhere and anytime, contact us today to find your expert.


Information courtesy of Verisk Analytics’ ISO and IBHS

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